January 9, 2025
Open Call for Artists: Refraction x LUKSO Grant Program
Refraction and Lukso are thrilled to announce an exciting new opportunity for artists at the forefront of creativity and innovation.


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We are a decentralized global creative community of artists, curators, technicians, and fans focused on moving the culture forward through collectively reimagining live experiences in the physical world and in the open metaverse. Our cornerstone is Refraction Festival, a fully on-chain IRL<->URL project featuring musical performances and art installations in over ten cities across five continents.
Currently, the best way to stay up to date on Refraction is through our Discord. But platform fatigue is real and we want to be accessible to everyone. If you would rather stay off our server, send us a DM on Twitter or an email, and we’ll work with you to find the best way for you to stay in the loop!
No! Anyone is eligible to mint. Of course, if you would like to join RefractionDAO, head over to the ✍️|apply-to-join channel in our Discord server and fill out the application form!
“Seasons” are how we separate our year! We follow the Earth’s seasons — The Winter and Summer solstice, and the Spring and Autumn equinox. “Season 0” is our Winter season (or summer in the South), and it will end with the closing of the Season 0 NFT mint. Our Season 0 NFT drop marks the kickoff of Refraction as a DAO. At the end of every season, we host a DAO-wide Snapshot where DAO members vote on proposals for how we’ll proceed for the next season.
Yes! After collecting the NFT, you will be able to also collect all seven works by Claire Silver, Setta Studio, Yoshi Sodeoka, Ellie Pritts, Linda Dounia, p1xelfool, and Cibelle Cavalli Bastos for free. Please join the Discord and fill out the contact form following a successful mint for further instructions.
Until April 4th at midnight EST, you can go to refractionfestival.com/mint to collect the NFT. Each artist in the NFT has created an artwork unique to Refraction. Our NFT mint is optimized for a desktop browser. If you are minting on a mobile device, navigate to the Metamask app and search for the website via its browser. To find it tap the accordion menu at the top left in the Metamask app, navigate to ‘Browser’ and search the minting site from there. After collecting, we will be airdropping the individual works to those who successfully minted a Season 0 NFT on Wednesday, April 13th, 2022! Keep an eye on your wallets.
The Season 0 NFT is priced at .202 ETH (plus gas). After the NFT is collected, we will be airdropping you each of the seven works for free — no gas fees!
Seven works from some of the NFT community’s top-tier digital artists (see above).
Guest list to ALL IRL & Metaverse events for Refraction until March 20th, 2023 — this means that any time we hold an IRL event (these happen all over the globe, so pay attention to our social media for something happening in a city near you) or a set is streamed into the Metaverse, your NFT guarantees you access.
Access to future Greenlist opportunities for NFT drops and special features in our soon-to-be-released platform!
This will be the mainframe host for our artwork, collection, special NFT drops from the community, and includes Refraction Radio (with DJ sets, shows and programming exclusive to DAO members and NFT holders), a podcast (in the works!), and a full online editorial publication written by members of our community and beyond focusing on artists and topics related to the DAO.
An exclusive experience in the Metaverse — during our two-day flagship URL festival (dates and deets to come)!
Access to a special section on our Discord server exclusively for NFT holders — in this server, you’ll get advance news on all of the events and happenings in the Refraction community.
Access to exclusive physical and digital merchandise — we’re working on some incredible things with our global community of artists.
After the seven works have been airdropped to you, they will exist as individual NFTs that can be resold, separate from one another and separate from the Season 0 NFT itself. If you sell any of the individual artworks but choose to retain the Season 0 NFT, you will retain all perks and access granted to holders until March 20th, 2023. However, if you choose to sell the Season 0 NFT at any point, you will lose your perks and access and transfer these to the secondary buyer.
Our mint will close on April 4th, 2022 at midnight PST! You can mint at any time of day up until then.
If you’ve had trouble minting Refraction’s Season 0 NFT directly from our website, you can mint just as easily on Etherscan! Steps outlined in this document.
A $REFRACT token is our DAO’s native cryptocurrency. It allows you to participate in our Snapshot votes, giving you the direct ability to participate in governing our community. Though $REFRACT cannot be sold or traded at the moment, we plan to enter a liquidity pool in 2023, which will allow you to convert your $REFRACT to your native form of currency used in everyday life. The value of the $REFRACT token is based primarily on the number and quality of community members, and our DAO’s growth potential. As more community members enter RefractionDAO and continue to actively engage with our events, collaborative projects and governance, the value of the $REFRACT token will increase. In keeping with Refraction’s pledge to distribute economic upside, we are regularly opening more opportunities for members to earn tokens.
Cryptocurrency, or “crypto”, is simply a digital form of currency that can be transferred over the internet with no middleman (bank/government) intervention needed. Transactions occur faster than traditional transfers and are securely conducted using blockchain technology (see below). There are many different types of cryptocurrency (you may have heard of Bitcoin, Ethereum or Tezos), which can be used to purchase online (and in some places, offline) assets. In most cases today, crypto is used to purchase NFTs and in Refraction’s case, we typically conduct our NFT sales using Ethereum or Tezos.
In its most basic definition, a blockchain is simply a digital ledger (record of information) whose contents cannot be changed. It can store any kind of information, though is most often used to support transactions of cryptocurrencies and NFTs. Every single interaction on a blockchain is publicly visible (and will remain that way, forever), conducted without a third-party (like a bank or government) and is not able to be hacked or edited in any way. This permanence is precisely what makes blockchain special; it allows anyone to interact online safely, securely and anonymously. If you would like to learn more, this article dives deeper into more applications of blockchain and how it works under the hood.
The PASS should show up in your OpenSea NFT collection (and your digital wallet). You may have to ‘unhide’ the PASS on OpenSea for it to show up in your main collection.
Once you purchase your PASS, head to our Discord to verify ownership, and start connecting with our community! You can also visit our REFRACT PASS page to take a look at our upcoming PASS drops.
Purchasing a REFRACT PASS gives you full access to Refraction’s community of artists, musicians, curators and cultural partners, plus exclusive NFT drops and free admission to our marquee events (which have included NFTNYC and Art Basel Miami in past years).
If you are a Refraction member and choose not to purchase a PASS, you’ll still have limited Discord access and the ability to purchase General Admission tickets to our events. You will also retain your $REFRACT tokens if you are a holder, and the ability to vote and participate in Refraction’s governance.
We will automatically be airdropping a PASS to members with 500+ $REFRACT. If you do not have sufficient $REFRACT, you’ll have until February 28th to mint a PASS before we switch you to limited Discord access.
In order to participate in the DAO’s governance, you must hold $REFRACT tokens, which are given as compensation to DAO contributors. If you would like the opportunity to earn $REFRACT, please fill out this form.
That’s okay! We understand everyone’s situation might be different and we want to keep an avenue for all current active members to continue to participate in our community — you can use this form to apply for a merit-based REFRACT PASS.
If you choose to sell your REFRACT PASS on a secondary marketplace, you are forfeiting all the benefits of the PASS. You will no longer be able to claim the exclusive artworks, view our Member Portal (coming soon!), access our events for free, or have access to our Discord. You’ll be able to retain artwork you previously claimed, but any new artworks released are only claimable by wallets holding a PASS.
Likewise, if you purchase a PASS on secondary, you will gain access to all the perks!